Tuesday, 5 January 2016

New year, new mummy?

Well I'm back on the blogwagon after a wonderful festive hiatus, now the grateful owner of a living room which looks like it's been sponsored by Fisher Price thanks to little miss's doting grandparents, aunts and uncles.  It might seem unwise for someone who struggles to keep her champagne flutes intact for a year, let alone a bunch of resolutions, to even bother setting some, but as I'm a mum now maybe I should at least attempt to be, y'know, responsible.  So here goes:

  1. Get out more with the baby.  While the weather needs to be nigh on apocalyptic to stop me at least venturing out of the house, most outings tend to be brief, mundane and necessary: doctor's, supermarket, coffee shop.  They're not exactly broadening little miss's horizons or adjusting her to unfamiliar surroundings and longer times away from home, something which became all too clear over Christmas, when the inevitable bevy of visits to family often resulted in a grumbling grandchild hankering after her own bed and unrivalled attention from mummy and daddy.  
  2. Get out more without the baby.  A handful of date nights, girls' nights and work days since little miss arrived have slowly drawn me to the conclusion that as long as she's being looked after by hubby or family, I don't need to be there for every feed, change, cuddle or kick-off.  That reconnecting with who I am as a wife and friend as well as a mother is critical.  And that a large glass of rose once baby's in bed is SO DARN GOOD.
  3. Decorate the baby's room.  We've graduated on from the early days, when little miss's room was little more than a dumping ground for boxes and assorted baby equipment which we hadn't had a chance to unpack yet thanks to her unexpectedly premature arrival.  However, it's still very much a cluttered space where little other than changing her takes place.  Hubby and I have been obsessing over pictures and frames practically since day one, but in true scatty style have got precisely nowhere so far.  Without going overboard and striving for Pinterest-perfect, I'd like us to create a little girl's room to be proud of, at least a day or two before we end up moving.
  4. Learn to love every moment.  It's not always easy when I'm functioning on three hours' sleep, worrying how the next bill is going to be paid and on the fifth outfit change of the day (three for her, two for me).  However, against the odds we have a beautiful daughter, who depends on us, loves us and lights up when we enter the room.  That might be just about worth keeping the resolutions for.

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